Key to Self-Realization: Paramahansa Yogananda Collection

Autobiography of a Yogi, Science of Religion, Scientific Healing Affirmations

Paramahansa Yogananda

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Beschreibung zu „Key to Self-Realization: Paramahansa Yogananda Collection“

The general purpose of this collection is to help people recover health, find inner peace and find answers to essential questions all people are burdened with. "The Science of Religion" will give you a theoretical insight into the connection between all religions and some universal laws of spirituality. It will show you how you may apply the general spiritual truths to become healthier and happier. "The Autobiography of Yogi" will teach you about the art of yogi and meditation through the life story of the author of these books, Paramahansa Yogananda. Reading this book will help you better understand the truths revealed in "The Science of Religion" as you will follow the author in his personal spiritual growth. Finally, "Scientific Healing Affirmations" give you a practical tool to master the art of meditation in your everyday life.






ca. 547





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