The art of taking a wife

Paolo Mantegazza

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Beschreibung zu „The art of taking a wife“

In 'The Art of Taking a Wife' by Paolo Mantegazza, the reader is taken on a journey through the intricacies of marriage and the roles of men and women within this social institution. Mantegazza's writing style is both detailed and thought-provoking, offering a unique perspective on the dynamics of marital relationships in the 19th century. Through his work, Mantegazza delves into the concept of love, duty, and companionship, presenting a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and joys of married life. The book is a blend of romanticism and realism, making it a compelling read for those interested in the complexities of human relationships. Paolo Mantegazza, an Italian neurologist and anthropologist, draws on his scientific background to provide a logical and insightful examination of marriage in 'The Art of Taking a Wife.' His expertise in human behavior adds depth and credibility to his observations on love and partnership. Readers interested in historical perspectives on marriage and gender roles will appreciate Mantegazza's scholarly approach in this engaging and enlightening work.


Good Press




ca. 105





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