Far Beyond The Moon

A Queer Cosmic Body Horror Monster Romance

P. C. M. Vandermeer


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Beschreibung zu „Far Beyond The Moon“

"One glimpse into my mind would drive you to insanity." - "Maybe I want to go crazy, all the way! Just for once..."

The life of Christopher Ennington is in shambles. Volunteering at his local dog shelter is what gets the 38-year-old through the days. Battered by abuse, disease, and that particularly messed-up thing dragged into the shelter, he cannot believe his luck when he crosses paths with a mysterious stranger: Gyth is kind, dreamy, and just as much of an outsider as Christopher. Frankly, it has seemed impossible to ever find love again - but here he is, enamored by brown eyes and a voice like honey.

Gyth has never planned on returning to this dimension. But after his crash into it, he is connected to the lonely creature who has saved his life. And so, he decides to stay and masquerades as a 'human' himself. With Christopher to teach him, it's not too difficult - and even fun! Birds of a feather flock together after all. But people in rural Massachusetts do not take kindly to this blossoming relationship. It is only when Christopher learns of Gyth's eldritch nature that this world finally starts to change - and they themselves with it...

What lies beneath the flesh must break free: Cosmic horror and body horror entangled in a steamy queer romance - literally! Now available as a revised second edition with a bonus chapter.


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