Buddha His Life and Teachings


Hörbuch Sachbuch Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Buddha His Life and Teachings“

'OSHO SINGLE': This is an "Osho Single", a short audio, one talk, which is the original companion CD for the print book with the same title. This is not the complete book on audio.

An authority on the world's spiritual traditions, Osho is celebrated for his unique ability to refresh ancient wisdoms for a contemporary audience. Here he takes the listener on an exciting journey into the life and world of Prince Gautam Siddhartha, who became the Buddha. Always a great storyteller, Osho explains the Buddha's teachings through stories and anecdotes, illustrating how Buddha's teachings came from his own experiences. Lively and lifelike, with unconventional wit and deep wisdom Osho leads the listener to a new understanding of a timeless message.

© & ℗ 1979 OSHO International Foundation

Über Osho

Osho ha sido descrito por The Sunday Times de Londres como «uno de los mil artífices del siglo xx» y por el Sunday
Mid-Day (India) como una de las diez personas -junto a Gandhi, Nehru y Buda- que han cambiado el destino de la India. En una sociedad donde tantas visiones religiosas ideológicas tradicionales parecen irremediablemente pasadas de moda, la singularidad de Osho consiste en que no nos ofrece soluciones, sino herramientas para que cada uno las encuentre por sí mismo.

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1 Std. 3 Min.





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