The picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde


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Beschreibung zu „The picture of Dorian Gray“

Oscar Wilde's talented pen tells the story of one man's decline. It is a book considered the most moral of immoral stories. This work has earned its author to overcome the description of a writer and be considered almost as a philosopher. Dorian Gray in exchange for eternal youth delivers his soul and ends up being corrupted by the evil influence of his mentor. Highly recommended for readers of all times and geographies.

The fantastic richness finds its most appropriate expression in a luminous and refined style, and the paradox governs and regulates matter and word, scene and dialogue, Wilde tries to show the transfiguration that art operates on reality.

Über Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde (Dublín, 1854-París, 1900), poeta y dramaturgo irlandés, es uno de los más célebres escritores tanto por su provocadora personalidad como por su obra, de la que cabe destacar su novela El retrato de Dorian Gray, las obras teatrales o El abanico de lady Windermere, así como el poema La balada de la cárcel de Reading.


Edicions Perelló




ca. 232





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