The Nightingale and the Rose

Oscar Wilde

Hörbuch Romane Klassiker

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Beschreibung zu „The Nightingale and the Rose“

The Nightingale and the Rose is a short tragic fantasy story for children. It was first published in 1888 in the anthology The Happy Prince and Other Tales, which, in addition to its title story, also includes "The Happy Prince", "The Devoted Friend", "The Selfish Giant" and "The Remarkable Rocket".
In The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde we have theme of love, sacrifice, selflessness, pity, materialism and gratitude.
The story's plot is set in motion when a nightingale overhears a young student express his fears about losing the young woman he loves forever. The young woman threatens to abandon the student unless
he gives her a red rose. Taking pity on the student, the nightingale sacrifices her life in order to procure a red rose for the young man. However, the birds' sacrifice proves to be in vain.

Über Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde (Dublín, 1854-París, 1900), poeta y dramaturgo irlandés, es uno de los más célebres escritores tanto por su provocadora personalidad como por su obra, de la que cabe destacar su novela El retrato de Dorian Gray, las obras teatrales o El abanico de lady Windermere, así como el poema La balada de la cárcel de Reading.

Gelesen von:

Abigail Reno


Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing




14 Min.





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