Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde

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Beschreibung zu „Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde“

In 'Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde', readers are treated to a collection of captivating and thought-provoking poetry from one of the most iconic literary figures of the Victorian era. Wilde's poems are known for their wit, charm, and exploration of themes such as love, beauty, and morality. His lyrical style and use of wordplay continue to resonate with readers today, making this collection a timeless classic in English literature. The poems included in this book showcase Wilde's versatility as a writer, from heartfelt expressions of love to sharp social commentary. Wilde's poetry is a must-read for any literature enthusiast interested in the works of the Victorian era. This collection offers a glimpse into the mind of a brilliant writer whose words have stood the test of time. Oscar Wilde's life as a playwright, novelist, and poet undoubtedly influenced the depth and richness of his poetry. His experiences with love, scandal, and societal norms shaped his unique perspective on the world, which is evident in the poems featured in this collection. By reading 'Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde', readers can gain a deeper understanding of Wilde's literary genius and the enduring relevance of his work in both Victorian and contemporary literary circles.

Über Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde (Dublín, 1854-París, 1900), poeta y dramaturgo irlandés, es uno de los más célebres escritores tanto por su provocadora personalidad como por su obra, de la que cabe destacar su novela El retrato de Dorian Gray, las obras teatrales o El abanico de lady Windermere, así como el poema La balada de la cárcel de Reading.


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