A Woman of No Importance

Oscar Wilde

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Beschreibung zu „A Woman of No Importance“

Oscar Wilde's audacious drama of social scandal centres around the revelation of Mrs Arbuthnot's long-concealed secret. A house party is in full swing at Lady Hunstanton's country home, when it is announced that Gerald Arbuthnot has been appointed secretary to the sophisticated, witty Lord Illingworth. Gerald's mother stands in the way of his appointment, but fears to tell him why, for who will believe Lord Illingworth to be a man of no importance?

Über Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde (Dublín, 1854-París, 1900), poeta y dramaturgo irlandés, es uno de los más célebres escritores tanto por su provocadora personalidad como por su obra, de la que cabe destacar su novela El retrato de Dorian Gray, las obras teatrales o El abanico de lady Windermere, así como el poema La balada de la cárcel de Reading.


Jovian Press




ca. 70





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