
Homecoming: Volume 5

Orson Scott Card

Science Fiction

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Beschreibung zu „Earthborn“

Earthborn, the fifth volume in Orson Scott Card's space opera Homecoming series

High above the earth orbits the starship Basilica. On board the huge vessel is a sleeping woman. Of those who made the journey, Shedemai alone has survived the hundred of years since the Children of Wetchik returned to Earth.

She now wears the Cloak of the Starmaster, and the Oversoul wakes her sometimes to watch over her descendants on the planet below. The population has grown rapidly--there are cities and nations now, whole peoples descended from the who followed Nafai or Elemak.

But in all the long years of watching and searching, the Oversoul has not found the thing it sought. It has not found the Keeper of the Earth, the central intelligence that also can repair the Oversoul's damaged programming.

Homecoming series
The Memory of Earth
The Call of Earth
The Ships of Earth

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Über Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card, 1951 in Richland/Washington geboren, studierte englische Literatur und arbeitete als Theaterautor, bevor er sich ganz dem Schreiben von Romanen widmete. Mit „Enders Spiel“ gelang ihm auf Anhieb ein internationaler Bestseller. Die Fortsetzung „Enders Schatten“ war ebenfalls ein großer Erfolg. Card lebt mit seiner Familie in Greensboro/North Carolina.


Tor Books




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