The Most Powerful Prayer:The Resurrection Power!

Olusegun Festus Remilekun

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‘’And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.’’

Luke 24:49

Friend, it is time to walk in power and authority! You are a creature of power; you have to become conscious of the power in your walk with God. Power is the ultimate! It’s time to walk into your liberty and get to your Canaan land! Your land flowing with honey and milk is waiting for you to possess.

In my country, Nigeria, we have three major tribes namely the Hausa’s, the Yoruba’s and the Ibo’s. The Ibo men are looking for money and they have it. Yoruba men are looking for education and they have it. Hausa men are looking for power and they have it. But the Hausa men are controlling both those with money and those with certificates. A man in power can control a man with money and with degrees. You can hate a man with power but you are still under him. You can speak grammar more than him but you are still under him. Just one decision he will make can affect your source of money.

That is why Jesus did not promise His disciples money or scholarships. But he said: ‘’ And ye shall receive power………

Because He understands that there are powers of darkness that are on assignment against our lives. Do not just pray for promotion in the office. Pray for promotion in the school of power. No matter how religious you are, Pharaoh won’t let you go without a demonstration of power. Your grammar, your education or your money makes no difference.

Friend, the kingdom of God is not in words, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of POWER! (1 Cor.2:4).

The power I am talking about is the RESURRECTION POWER!

In the book of John 11:25, ‘’Jesus said unto her (Martha), I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me though he were died, yet shall he live.’’

The resurrection power is the power that makes alive! It is the power that creates! It is the power that will ascend you to glory! This power will give you ceaseless open doors, breakthroughs and victory in life! The resurrection Power is not a theology; it is a person.

The resurrection power is the ultimate power for the believers!

In this book, you are going to have an unforgettable encounter with His resurrection power. Can you cry to heaven for His power this day?






ca. 55





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