A Tedoleran down the Chimney

Nova Edwins

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Beschreibung zu „A Tedoleran down the Chimney“

Instead of admiring the snowy winter landscape through a slightly fogged window while listening to the fire crackling in the fireplace, my Christmas trip becomes a harsh struggle for survival. I have no idea where I am, stumbling through the Colorado wilderness completely exhausted as the sun is already setting. Barring a miracle, I don't know how I'm supposed to make it through the night.
When I meet an alien with red skin who is more than eight feet tall, I am sure that I must be hallucinating and about to freeze to death...
Dark sci-fi romance with a Christmas theme. Over the top and utterly ridiculous. Contains holiday lights, candy canes, and a happy ending in front of a fireplace.


Black Umbrella Publishing




ca. 46





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