The Night of Christmas Eve

Nikolai Gogol

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Beschreibung zu „The Night of Christmas Eve“

Nikolai Gogol's 'The Night of Christmas Eve' is a poignant and enigmatic collection of short stories that skillfully blend elements of the supernatural with satirical humor, a hallmark of Gogol's literary style. Written in the 19th century, this work reflects the author's keen observation of human nature and society, presented through vivid characters and vivid descriptions that transport the reader to the world of rural Russia. The narratives in this book are imbued with a sense of mystery and darkness, creating a captivating atmosphere that lingers long after the final page is turned. Gogol's unique blend of realism and the fantastic has made him a prominent figure in Russian literature. His works often delve into themes of corruption, bureaucracy, and social inequality, offering a critical perspective on the society of his time. 'The Night of Christmas Eve' is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the depths of human nature and the boundaries between reality and imagination.


Good Press




ca. 56





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