The Third Brother

Nick McDonell


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Beschreibung zu „The Third Brother“

Mike is spending the summer working for a magazine in Hong Kong when Christopher Dorr, a brilliant journalist, goes missing in Thailand. Mike's editor decides to send him to Bangkok to report on the drug-tourism crackdown, but Mike's real mission is to find Dorr, who is also an old friend of his parents. This is the beginning of a vertiginous journey that propels Mike into fast and seedy nights in Thailand and back to New York, to a home wrecked by violence.
The Third Brother moves with the speed of a bullet to portray a young man - and a family - shattered by lies and by excess.

Über Nick McDonell

Nick McDonell nació en Nueva York en 1984. Twelve fue su primera novela y constituyó un extraordinario éxito de público y de crítica tanto en los Estados Unidos como en el Reino Unido y en sus muchas traducciones.


Atlantic Books




ca. 148





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