Together for the City

How Collaborative Church Planting Leads to Citywide Movements

Neil Powell John James

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Together for the City“

We need a bigger vision for the city.It's not enough to plant individual churches in isolation from each other. The spiritual need and opportunity of our cities is too big for any one church to meet alone. Pastors Neil Powell and John James contend that to truly transform a city, the gospel compels us to create localized, collaborative church planting movements. They share lessons learned and principles discovered from their experiences leading a successful citywide movement. The more willing we are to collaborate across denominations and networks, the more effectively we will reach our communities—whatever their size—for Jesus.Come discover what God can do in our cities when we work together.

Über Neil Powell

Neil Powell is originally from Cork but now lives near Newcastle, County Down, in the foothills of the Mourne Mountains, with his wife and eight dogs. In the early 1970s he trained Ireland’s first mountain rescue dog, and since then has gone on to train drowned victim recovery dogs, collapsed structure search dogs and is a founder member of British International Rescue Dogs. Neil’s dogs have been the recipients of awards for animal gallantry and devotion to duty.






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