Forest, Rock, and Stream

A series of twenty steel line-engravings

Nathaniel Parker Willis

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Beschreibung zu „Forest, Rock, and Stream“

Nathaniel Parker Willis' 'Forest, Rock, and Stream' is a picturesque collection of essays capturing the essence of nature in its purest form. Through rich descriptions and vivid imagery, Willis paints a romanticized portrait of the natural world, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the beauty of the forest, the strength of the rock, and the fluidity of the stream. Written in a poetic and lyrical style, the book showcases Willis' deep appreciation for the environment and his ability to convey its enchanting qualities to his audience. Set against the backdrop of the Romantic era, 'Forest, Rock, and Stream' embodies the spirit of nature writing popular in the 19th century, with a focus on the sublime and the transcendent. As a prominent literary figure of his time, Willis' work reflects his keen observation of the natural world and his profound connection to it. Recommended for readers who appreciate eloquent prose and a deep reverence for nature, 'Forest, Rock, and Stream' is a timeless exploration of the wonders of the natural world.


Good Press




ca. 71





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