The Son of David (A 10-week Bible Study)

Seeing Jesus in the Historical Books

Nancy Guthrie

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „The Son of David (A 10-week Bible Study)“

A lot of people want to study the Old Testament, but don't know how or don't understand why it's relevant to Christian life. The third book in the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament series is the ideal solution as it leads readers in a Christ-centered study of the Old Testament history books from Joshua to Esther. Through 10 weeks of guided study, participants will explore the story of the nation of Israel, from their entrance into the Promised Land under Joshua through their eventual exile under the leadership of Israel's rebellious kings. Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie shows the Bible's teaching on the true source of courage, the ultimate anchor of confidence, and the sure antidote to corruption, helping readers see Jesus, the ultimate Son of David. Now also available as a pack of ten and specially discounted for Bible study groups.






ca. 218





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