Next Sunday

An Honest Dialogue About the Future of the Church

Nancy Beach Samantha Beach Kiley

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Next Sunday“

Will future generations find a church worth fighting for?
A great reckoning is underway in the church today: a naming and exposing of the exclusivity, abuse, racism, patriarchy, and unchecked power that have marked evangelical Christianity for far too long. What kind of church will emerge on the other side?
Like many families, the Beaches have been wrestling with this question. Together, Nancy and Samantha represent two generations: Nancy, a boomer, was a key player in the megachurch movement that revolutionized global ministry during the '80s and '90s, while Samantha, a millennial, is willing to abandon those massive buildings and celebrity cultures and find out whether the foundation holds. Each chapter offers their individual experiences and perspectives on a challenge facing the church and considers the way forward.
Filled with deep introspection and keen insight, Next Sunday is a vulnerable conversation about what the church has been—and what it can be.

Über Nancy Beach

Nancy Beach ist Referentin, Autorin, Pastorin und sogenannte Programmdirektorin in der Willow Creek-Gemeinde. Sie engagiert sich besonders für Künstler, die Gottesdienste auf ihre unvergleichliche Art bereichern. Zusammen mit ihrem Mann Warren und ihren beiden Töchtern Samantha und Johanna lebt sie in der Nähe von Chicago.






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