VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream Volume 4

Nana Nanato


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Beschreibung zu „VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream Volume 4“

VTuber Awayuki Kokorone, a pure and kindhearted lady by day and a booze-loving lunatic by night, is bigger than ever after making a surprise appearance at the end of Hareru’s big concert. But when Sei’s monetization is revoked after a particularly saucy stream, Awayuki and the rest of Live-On have to figure out how to help her, grappling with both their worry and Sei’s tendency to keep things bottled up.

Deciding the best way to support her senpai is to keep providing her usual rowdy entertainment, Awayuki faces down several new challenges, like planning her own Worldcraft collab, having a real-life sleepover with her crazy kouhai Alice, being subjected to a terrible video game on Nekoma’s stream, and playing Monster Slayer for the first time! With any luck, her insistence on carrying on and having fun will be just what Sei needs to pick herself back up again...


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