
Mrs. Oliphant

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Beschreibung zu „Ombra“

In 'Ombra' by Mrs. Oliphant, readers are transported to the hauntingly beautiful Italian countryside where the protagonist, an English artist, finds herself drawn into a mysterious and supernatural affair. The book is a blend of Gothic romance and psychic suspense, filled with vivid descriptions of the landscape and a creeping sense of unease. Mrs. Oliphant's writing style is rich in detail and atmospheric, reminiscent of the Victorian era in which she wrote. The narrative is filled with dark secrets, hidden pasts, and eerie occurrences, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Mrs. Oliphant, a prolific Victorian novelist known for her keen observations of society and psychological depth in her characters, brings her unique storytelling abilities to 'Ombra'. Her own experiences living in Italy influenced the setting and cultural nuances woven throughout the narrative. The author's fascination with the supernatural and the complexities of human relationships are evident in this captivating novel. I highly recommend 'Ombra' to readers who enjoy Gothic fiction, psychological thrillers, and historical romance. Mrs. Oliphant's masterful storytelling and evocative prose make this a must-read for fans of Victorian literature and supernatural mysteries.


Good Press




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