At His Gates (Romance Classic)

Mrs. Oliphant

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Beschreibung zu „At His Gates (Romance Classic)“

"At His Gates" is a novel by Mrs. Oliphant first published in 1872.
"Thus they were happier, more hopeful, more at their ease. They went more into society, and received more frequent visits from their friends. The new studio made many social pleasures possible that had not been possible. Of itself it implied a certain rise in the world. It gave grace and completeness to their little house. Nobody could say any longer that it was half a house and half a workshop, as Helen, under her breath, in her impatience, had sometimes declared it to be. The workshop phase was over, the era of self-denial gone—and yet Robert was not driven from the art he loved, nor prevented from putting on his old coat and stealing away in the evenings to visit the mistress who was dearer to him than anything else except his wife."


Musaicum Books




ca. 542





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