Johnny Ludlow, Second Series

Mrs. Henry Wood Henry Mrs. Wood

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Beschreibung zu „Johnny Ludlow, Second Series“

In 'Johnny Ludlow, Second Series' by Henry Mrs. Wood, the reader is taken on a journey through the intricacies of Victorian society and the lives of its inhabitants. This collection of short stories delves into themes of class, gender, and morality, with a keen eye for detail and a strong sense of character development. Wood's literary style is characterized by its vivid descriptions and emotional depth, offering a glimpse into the social norms and values of the time period. The stories are written in a compelling and engaging manner, drawing the reader in from the very first page. The book is a prime example of Victorian literature, showcasing the complexities and nuances of the era. Wood's portrayal of the various characters and their struggles is both thought-provoking and poignant, making for a memorable read. 'Johnny Ludlow, Second Series' is a must-read for those interested in Victorian literature and the societal issues of the time.


Good Press




ca. 654





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