Dressed Game and Poultry à la Mode

Mrs. De Salis

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Beschreibung zu „Dressed Game and Poultry à la Mode“

In 'Dressed Game and Poultry la Mode' by Mrs. De Salis, the readers are transported into the world of 19th-century culinary arts. The book serves as a comprehensive guide on preparing and serving game and poultry dishes in a fashionable manner, reflecting the Victorian era's emphasis on elaborate and refined dining experiences. Mrs. De Salis' writing style is both instructive and descriptive, providing detailed recipes and cooking techniques while also showcasing the opulence of high-society dining during her time. This book not only serves as a practical cookbook but also as a window into the culinary trends of the late 1800s. Mrs. De Salis' meticulous attention to detail and culinary expertise shines through in every page, making it a valuable resource for historians and food enthusiasts alike. With insights into the culinary practices of the past, readers can appreciate the evolution of gastronomy and the cultural significance of food presentation. 'Dressed Game and Poultry la Mode' is a must-read for those interested in the intersection of food, history, and society.


Good Press




ca. 67





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