Stories from the History of Rome

Mrs. Beesly

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Beschreibung zu „Stories from the History of Rome“

Mrs. Beesly's 'Stories from the History of Rome' is a captivating compilation of historical tales that shed light on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Written in a vivid and engaging literary style, the book offers readers a glimpse into key events, figures, and traditions from ancient Rome. Through meticulous research and attention to detail, Mrs. Beesly weaves a narrative that is both educational and entertaining, making complex historical information accessible to a wide audience. The book serves as a valuable resource for students of Roman history and literature, as well as general readers interested in the ancient world. Mrs. Beesly's prose is rich in historical context, bringing to life the splendor and turmoil of ancient Rome with depth and authenticity.


Good Press




ca. 90





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