Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince. A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts


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Beschreibung zu „Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince. A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts“

Molière's 'Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince. A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts' is a classic example of French neoclassical comedy. The play follows the story of Don Garcia, a prince consumed by jealousy over his love, Dona Leonora. Filled with witty dialogue and clever plot twists, Molière's work is a masterclass in blending humor with social commentary. The play's exploration of themes such as love, jealousy, and honor is presented in a way that both entertains and enlightens the audience. Molière's writing style, characterized by sharp satire and astute observation, makes 'Don Garcia of Navarre' a timeless piece of literature. This play is a must-read for those interested in French theater and neoclassical comedy. Its enduring popularity speaks to the universal themes it touches upon and the author's ability to capture the essence of human emotions and relationships.


Good Press




ca. 54





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