Fushi no Kami: Rebuilding Civilization Starts With a Village (Manga) Volume 3

Mizuumi Amakawa


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Beschreibung zu „Fushi no Kami: Rebuilding Civilization Starts With a Village (Manga) Volume 3“

So long as hope is there to light the way, the world will never stop turning. However, for a small farming village, winter is the season of death.

Ash, a boy who is trying to recover pieces of a lost civilization by deciphering ancient texts, has finally resurrected the art of beekeeping. His next ambition is to bring back medicine that reduces fevers in order to take the life-threatening danger out of the common cold, the sickness that stole away his friend. However, as his research proceeds, he learns that using the medicine isn’t without risk. To make matters worse, Maika has just come down with a fever. The village trembles at the threat of winter, but will this unraveled wisdom from the past help to eliminate their fears forever?


J-Novel Club







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