Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers: Volume 15 (Light Novel)

Miya Kinojo


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Beschreibung zu „Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers: Volume 15 (Light Novel)“

Years have passed since Flio was summoned to the world of Klyrode, and quite a bit has changed since he first arrived. Over time, his house has grown from a small cottage where he lived alone with his wife Rys into a bustling community, complete with farmland and a mountain village. The Fli-o’-Rys General Store is now a mercantile giant, responsible for vital parts of the world’s infrastructure and economy. And his older children, Garyl and Elinàsze, have finally graduated from the Houghtow College of Magic, while the younger children in the house have just started attending school themselves.

Their busy daily lives are interrupted, however, by a sudden increase in Beast of Disaster attacks that has the Celestial Plane itself reaching out for aid. What became of the legendary nine-headed Hydrana? Has Wyne met her match in another dragonewt? Will Garyl’s flock of admirers ever take a hint? And how worried should we be about Elinàsze’s worsening daddy complex?


J-Novel Club




ca. 158





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