Constitution of the State of Minnesota — Democratic Version

Minnesota Constitutional Convention

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Beschreibung zu „Constitution of the State of Minnesota — Democratic Version“

The 'Constitution of the State of Minnesota Democratic Version' written by the Minnesota Constitutional Convention provides a comprehensive insight into the foundations of the state's governance. The book outlines the principles and structures of the Minnesota Constitution in a clear and precise manner, making it accessible to both scholars and the general public. Written in a straightforward and informative style, the text delves into the historical and legal context surrounding the creation of the constitution, offering valuable insights into the democratic principles that underpin the state's governance. The book also includes detailed explanations of key constitutional provisions, making it an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the workings of Minnesota's government. As a valuable contribution to the study of constitutional law, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history and development of the state of Minnesota. The Minnesota Constitutional Convention's expertise and dedication to the subject shine through in this authoritative work, making it a valuable addition to any scholarly or legal library.


Good Press




ca. 32





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