Electoral Disabilities of Women — a lecture

Millicent Garrett Fawcett

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Beschreibung zu „Electoral Disabilities of Women — a lecture“

Millicent Garrett Fawcett's 'Electoral Disabilities of Women' is a groundbreaking lecture that delves into the systemic barriers faced by women in the political sphere. Written in a persuasive and articulate style, Fawcett discusses the unequal treatment of women in electoral matters, shedding light on the injustices they face. This work is a significant contribution to the suffragist movement, providing a powerful argument for the enfranchisement of women and challenging the status quo of the time. Fawcett's meticulous research and keen insight make this lecture a must-read for anyone interested in the history of women's rights and political participation. Fawcett's eloquent and impassioned plea for equality resonates with readers, inspiring them to advocate for social change and gender equality in the political realm.


Good Press




ca. 23





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