Psycho Thrill - Suffer, my Sweet

Michael Marcus Thurner Uwe Voehl


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Beschreibung zu „Psycho Thrill - Suffer, my Sweet“

Throughout high school, Evelyn professed her love for Marco, but he wanted nothing to do with the girl everyone despised. Evi's hobbies were just too weird. She collected all sorts of weird things, like insects, carefully pinning them to cardboard, or capturing them in glass jars for display. Evi was the laughing stock of her class. Twenty years, later, however, Evelyn seduces Marco at the high school reunion, and they begin a sultry affair. Marco isn’t sure if it’s love, but he doesn’t care: the sex is the best he’s ever had. But for Evi, it's more than just a fling. Because if there is one thing she loves more than anything, it’s her precious collections.

-- PSYCHO THRILL is a series of horror novellas - from classic ghost story to psychological thriller and dark fantasy. Each of the novellas was first published in German and has now been published for the first time in English. Among the writers are popular German authors, as well as newcomers to the scene. Each story is self-contained. PSYCHO THRILL is produced by Uwe Voehl.

-- For fans of Stephen King: Dark Tower series, Neil Gaiman: Fragile Things, and the American Horror Story TV series.

Über Michael Marcus Thurner

Michael Marcus Thurner, geboren 1963, veröffentlichte erste Romane im Rahmen der PERRY RHODAN-Fan-Edition, bevor er im Jahr 2002 als Stammautor in die ATLAN-Serie einstieg. Seit Anfang 2005 schreibt Thurner als festes Mitglied im PERRY RHODAN-Team. Der Autor lebt und arbeitet in Wien.


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