A Song of Isolation

Michael J. Malone

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „A Song of Isolation“

Film star Amelie Hart is the darling of the silver screen, appearing on the front pages of every newspaper. But at the peak of her fame she throws it all away for a regular guy with an ordinary job. The gossip columns are aghast. Any hope the furore will die down are crushed when Amelie's boyfriend Dave is arrested on charges of child sexual abuse. Dave strongly asserts his innocence, and when Amelie refuses to denounce him, the press witch hunt quickly turns into physical violence, and she has to flee the country. Damaris, the victim at the centre of the story, is isolated – a child trying to make sense of an adult world.

Gelesen von:

David Monteath


Isis Audio




9 Std. 19 Min.





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