Spending wintertime in Florida

Information, hints and advice to live a snowbird's dream

Michael Cappeller

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Beschreibung zu „Spending wintertime in Florida“

Prices of homes in the US are still historically low. Interest on money in Europe is also historically low. Real estate is interesting for investing especially with the economic downshift in Europe.
A generation of best agers is growing with all intentions of making something out of this part of life.
Why not realizing the dream of owning a nice holiday home in Florida for a number of years to escape the dreadful European winter months in exchange for warm sunshine? All this would take place in the company of nice people with activities of all sorts and in abundance?
What would you think if all this wouldn't only be very easy to do but on top be quite affordable, too?
In this report the author tells the story of his dream and outlines - out of his own experience – step by step - how he and his wife put it into reality.
He describes vividly how they chose the right region, place and community for them in Florida and finally the right house to buy.
On these pages the crucial findings to make a decision are put together and brought to a point without unnecessary filling text. In reading this 'Instruction to spend the winter months in Florida' you save on buying, reading and evaluating numerous books or internet sites, which often just barely touch aspects of the topic.
The author and his wife decided on a first class gated 55+ community and a 1997 fully furnished 'pre manufactured' (former model) home at the cost of totally 43.000 US dollars and a monthly all inclusive land and community fee of 900 US dollars. This fee covers all expenses and amenities of the house and the community.
Until their own actual retirement and the longer use of the home then they rent it out in Florida's main winter season (November – April). Most of the regular expenses are obtained and covered that way.
In this report of own experience all questions before and during the buying process are answered, as well as those concerning the maintenance following.

Über Michael Cappeller

Den Traum in Florida die tristen deutschen Wintermonate zu verbringen, träumte ich bereits als Student mit 21 Jahren, als ich mein erstes Weihnachtsfest in Jacksonville bei Freunden verbrachte. Vor über 10 Jahren gab ich meinem Traum ein konkretes Datum. Ich wollte mein eigenes Ferienhaus haben, wenn ich in den Ruhestand ginge. Ich erarbeitete mir Antworten auf alle Fragen, die sich dabei stellen. Heute habe ich mir meinen Traum erfüllt. Dieser Ratgeber hilft Ihnen, sich diesen Traum ebenfalls zu erfüllen. Und das durchaus zu erschwinglichen Konditionen.






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