Porn & Revolution in the Peaceable Kingdom

A Tor.Com Original

Micaela Morrissette


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Beschreibung zu „Porn & Revolution in the Peaceable Kingdom“

In a possible far future animals have taken over and democratized the world where humans once ruled. Tim, a lonely slime mold, is worried about his human pet Mimi and her recent animal urges. He only wants her to be happy, but he doesn't know how to keep her from sneaking out and cavorting with the human pet next door or any number of feral humans in the neighborhood. But through his relationship with her, he learns what it truly means to make a commitment to someone else.

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Über Micaela Morrissette

Micaela Morrissette's fiction has been anthologized in Best American Fantasy (Prime Books), The Pushcart Prize XXXIII (Pushcart Press), Best Horror of the Year (Night Shade), and The Weird (Tor and Atlantic/Corvus). Periodical publications include Conjunctions (where she is the managing editor), Ninth Letter, Weird Tales, and Paul Revere’s Horse.


Tor Books




ca. 34





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