Alice Wilde

The Raftsman's Daughter. A Forest Romance

Metta Victoria Fuller Victor

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Beschreibung zu „Alice Wilde“

In 'Alice Wilde' by Metta Victoria Fuller Victor, the readers are taken on a captivating journey through the intricacies of society in 19th-century America. The book combines elements of romance, mystery, and social commentary, making it a truly engaging read. Victor's literary style is marked by rich descriptions and strong character development, drawing the reader in from the very first page. Set against the backdrop of New York City, the novel provides a nuanced look at the societal norms and expectations of the time, shedding light on the complexities of class and gender relations. 'Alice Wilde' stands out as a compelling work of fiction that offers a window into the past while remaining relevant to contemporary readers. Metta Victoria Fuller Victor, a prolific writer and social reformer, was known for her progressive views on women's rights and abolitionism. Her experiences and beliefs undoubtedly influenced the themes explored in 'Alice Wilde,' adding depth and authenticity to the narrative. I highly recommend this book to readers interested in exploring the social dynamics of 19th-century America through a captivating story that transcends time.


Good Press




ca. 131





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