A Reversible Santa Claus

Christmas Specials Series

Meredith Nicholson

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Beschreibung zu „A Reversible Santa Claus“

e-artnow presents the Christmas Specials Series. We have selected the greatest Christmas novels, short stories and fairy tales for this joyful and charming holiday season, for all those who want to keep the spirit of Christmas alive with a heartwarming tale.
Billy the Hopper is a retired thief at the age of forty-eight who has been a faithful and diligent employee of a fashionable garage for the past year. Since he married his wife, also a minor thief back in the days, they decided to give up their criminal past and live the life of honest people. However, on a Christmas Eve of all days, Hopper slips and steals a pocketbook from a fellow passenger on a train, which sets off an incredible chain of events. In attempt to redeem for his new sin, Hopper keeps committing one misdeed after another, tangling himself more and more.






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