The Group

A Farce

Mercy Otis Warren Montrose Jonas Moses

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Beschreibung zu „The Group“

In 'The Group' by Mercy Otis Warren, readers are immersed in a vivid depiction of the political landscape of colonial America. Written in a compelling and engaging style, the book provides a fascinating insight into the events leading up to the American Revolution. Warren's literary work is a blend of historical narrative and political commentary, making it a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of the time period. The book is a significant contribution to the literary canon of early American literature, showcasing Warren's talent for storytelling and her deep understanding of the political climate of her time. As one of the earliest female political writers in America, Warren's perspective offers a unique and insightful view of the historical events she describes. Her work continues to be studied and appreciated for its historical accuracy and literary merit. 'The Group' is a must-read for those interested in the history of early America and the political philosophies that shaped the nation.


Good Press




ca. 17





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