The Midnight Queen

May Agnes Fleming

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Beschreibung zu „The Midnight Queen“

May Agnes Fleming's novel 'The Midnight Queen' is a captivating tale of love, deceit, and revenge set in the backdrop of Victorian-era England. The story follows the journey of a young woman named Madeline, who discovers dark family secrets and must navigate a treacherous world to uncover the truth. Fleming's writing style is characterized by vivid descriptions, intricate plot twists, and a keen attention to detail, making the novel a compelling read for fans of historical fiction and mystery genres. The book's exploration of societal norms and the role of women in the 19th century adds depth to the narrative, making it a thought-provoking literary work. May Agnes Fleming, a prolific Canadian author of the 19th century, drew inspiration from her own experiences and observations of the society she lived in, infusing her writing with a sense of authenticity and realism. 'The Midnight Queen' stands as a testament to Fleming's talent as a storyteller and her ability to engage readers with compelling characters and intriguing plotlines. I highly recommend this novel to anyone interested in delving into the captivating world of Victorian fiction and exploring themes of love, betrayal, and redemption.


Good Press




ca. 253





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