Poems, 1914-1919

Maurice Baring

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Beschreibung zu „Poems, 1914-1919“

Maurice Baring's 'Poems, 1914-1919' is a poignant collection of poems that reflect the author's experiences during World War I. Written in a traditional, lyrical style, the poems explore themes of loss, grief, and the futility of war. Baring's use of vivid imagery and powerful language brings to life the emotional turmoil of the era, making this collection a valuable insight into the human experience during times of conflict. The poems are a mix of heartfelt elegies, thought-provoking reflections, and vivid descriptions of the harsh realities of war. Maurice Baring, a British author and poet, served as a soldier during World War I, which greatly influenced his writing. His first-hand experiences in the trenches lend authenticity and depth to his poems, allowing readers to connect with the raw emotions captured in his work. Baring's background in literature and journalism also shines through in his precise language and careful craftsmanship. For readers interested in exploring the emotional impact of war through poetry, 'Poems, 1914-1919' by Maurice Baring is a compelling and insightful collection that offers a unique perspective on the human cost of conflict.


Good Press




ca. 19





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