Far to Seek

A Romance of England and India

Maud Diver

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Beschreibung zu „Far to Seek“

Maud Diver's 'Far to Seek' is a poignant novel that delves into the complexities of love, loyalty, and sacrifice in colonial India. Set against the backdrop of the British Raj, the book skillfully weaves together themes of cultural clash and personal identity. Diver's writing style is rich and evocative, immersing the reader in a vividly depicted world where characters struggle to navigate the rigid social structures of the time. The narrative is both introspective and politically charged, offering a nuanced portrayal of the challenges faced by individuals in a changing society. This book is a must-read for those interested in historical fiction and postcolonial literature, as it offers a unique perspective on the British presence in India and its impact on both colonizers and colonized.


Good Press




ca. 431





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