Resonance Economy

How resonances arise, how we can identify them and use them to our benefit.

Matthias Rosenberger

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Beschreibung zu „Resonance Economy“

Today's organizations are more complex, more digital and more volatile than they were a hundred years ago. However, the tasks in management have hardly changed since then. Like conductors in an orchestra, managers are responsible for the corporate resonance chamber, i.e. the harmonious interplay of all content-related, technical and social elements in their companies.

Our economic system is undergoing digital upheaval. People, markets and brands are unsettled and in search of their own digital transformation solution, as a company, as an organization and with regard to their own value creation. History has shown that structures, processes and product ranges in the sales industry are subject to constant change.

The market as a whole follows a self-preservation instinct. It controls itself and triggers constant changes, which in turn ensure its survival. All companies are part of this constant process of adaptation. In addition to globalization, digitalization and social change demand viable answers to the future of one's own company and brand identity.


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