Talk, Eat, and See the World

Fireside chat and corona therapy

Matthias Kaiser

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Beschreibung zu „Talk, Eat, and See the World“

"Talk, Eat, and See the World" is a collection of autobiographical short-stories and personalized cooking recipes. It does not pretend to be great literature, or fine gastronomy. Rather it is more like the fireside chat between friends, and the exchange of experiences in the kitchen among foodies. In these times under the rule of the Corona virus, our private spaces became deserted, and our social world became stripped to the bone. We need to re-invent the private sphere, and experiment with an open-door environment, if only virtually. Our current online events and meetings catapult us directly into the living rooms of the others, celebrities included. And this book invites the reader to be entertained at the author's fireside, and to be inspired in his kitchen. Hopefully the reader returns to his or her world with a smile and some new food for thought.


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