An Expedition through Bass's Strait

Matthew Flinders

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Beschreibung zu „An Expedition through Bass's Strait“

In 'An Expedition through Bass's Strait', Matthew Flinders skillfully blends travel narrative with scientific observation, documenting his journey through the treacherous waters between Tasmania and mainland Australia. His detailed descriptions of the landscape and its inhabitants offer a unique glimpse into the early exploration of the region. Written in a clear and engaging prose style, Flinders captures both the wonder and challenges of discovering new territories, making this book a valuable resource for historians and scholars interested in early Australian exploration. Published in the early 19th century, the book reflects the spirit of curiosity and discovery that characterized the Age of Exploration. Flinders' meticulous attention to detail and his insightful observations set this work apart from other travel narratives of the time. This book is a must-read for those interested in the intersection of science, travel, and history, and serves as a testament to Flinders' pioneering spirit and dedication to exploration.


Good Press




ca. 76





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