The Orlando Innamorato

Matteo Maria Boiardo

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Beschreibung zu „The Orlando Innamorato“

Matteo Maria Boiardo's 'The Orlando Innamorato' is a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance literature, blending elements of chivalric romance with allegory and epic poetry. Written in the late 15th century, this epic tells the story of Orlando, a legendary knight on a quest for love and honor. Boiardo's writing is characterized by vivid imagery, complex characters, and intricate plot twists, making it a compelling read for fans of medieval literature. The author's skillful use of language and his attention to detail immerse the reader in a world of knights, damsels, and magical creatures. Boiardo's work is often seen as a precursor to Ludovico Ariosto's 'Orlando Furioso,' and his influence on Italian literature is undeniable. Boiardo's own experiences as a courtier and diplomat likely informed his writing, adding depth and authenticity to his characters and settings. Readers interested in exploring the origins of Italian epic poetry and the development of the chivalric romance genre will find 'The Orlando Innamorato' a captivating and enlightening read.


Good Press




ca. 150





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