Sons of Some Dear Mother

Matt Cole

Abenteuer & Western

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Beschreibung zu „Sons of Some Dear Mother“

The five sons of Dorothy Daniels - Frank, a notorious gunman; Hugh, an attorney; Urban, a drifter who works odd jobs; Virgil, a sober and serious rancher; and the youngest, Casey - reunite in their hometown of Blue Springs Creek, Missouri, for their mother's funeral, after she is murdered. The townspeople are shocked, and an eyewitness claims it was the outlaw leader Henry Lowe and the Murdock Gang who were responsible. When the brothers become disillusioned with the local law and their lack of pursuit, they decide to track down the gang themselves and get their vengeance. On the trail of the murderous outlaws, the brothers start to find some of the brotherly love they had lost since they were kids. The trail is filled with danger, duels and death. The brothers will risk everything to get justice for their mother - especially Frank, the toughest and most ruthless of Dorothy's sons.


Robert Hale Fiction




ca. 104





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