Kevin the Vampire: A Wild and Wicked Witch

A Wild and Wicked Witch

Matt Brown


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Beschreibung zu „Kevin the Vampire: A Wild and Wicked Witch“

A FANG-tastically funny adventures series, perfect for 7+ readers and fans of Amelia Fang!

"Full of hilarious, highly illustrated mayhem" Guardian

"Loved it. Full of heart, laughs and adventure." Dermot O'Leary

"Fearfully funny, and a book to get your teeth into! You'll be Kevin's biggest fang!" Danny Wallace

If Kevin the Vampire was already beside himself with excitement at visiting the Festival of Fear, he's now even more so. His new best friend Susie and an extremely rare draffin called Gerald have joined his family's carnival. It's going to be better than ever! They might even win Carnival of the Year...

But because they are running late, Kevin's family need to take a shortcut through the perilous Wild Woods, where no one ever goes because of the extremely wicked witch who lives there. But that should be fine as long as no one gets out and no one eats anything ... right?

Kevin will be at the Festival before he knows it. After all, nothing ever goes wrong for the Carnival Monstromo...

Look out for Kevin's other adventure, A Most Mysterious Monster!


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