7 best short stories - Motherhood

Sherwood Anderson Guy de Maupassant James Joyce Willa Cather Matsuo Basho T. S. Arthur August Nemo


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Beschreibung zu „7 best short stories - Motherhood“

Motherhood is defined in the dictionary as "the experience of having and raising a child". But we know that there is much more to motherhood than the simplicity of this definition. The stories in this book were inspired by purity and pain, by joy and apprehension, by the countless nuances of being a mother.
Discover the seven stories selected by the critic August Nemo that explore the beauty and uniqueness of motherhood.
This book contains:

- Motherhood by Sherwood Anderson.
- The Burglar's Christmas by Willa Carther.
- The Mother's Promise by T.S. Arthur.
- Somebody's Mother by William Dean Howells.
- A Mother by James Joyce.
- Mother and Son by Guy de Maupassant.
- The Aged Mother by Matsuo Basho.For more books with interesting themes, be sure to check the other books in this collection!

Über Sherwood Anderson

Sherwood Anderson (1876–1941) wuchs im US-Bundesstaat Ohio auf, nahm verschiedenste Gelegenheitsjobs an, war Soldat und leitete schließlich eine Farbenfabrik. Nach einem psychischen Zusammenbruch verließ er 1912 Ehefrau und Kinder, um Schriftsteller zu werden. In den Folgejahren entstanden viel bewunderte Short Storys, Romane und Gedichte.


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