The Virginia Housewife

Or Methodical Cook

Mary Randolph

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Beschreibung zu „The Virginia Housewife“

Mary Randolph's 'The Virginia Housewife' is a remarkable early 19th-century cookbook that offers a fascinating insight into the culinary practices and domestic life of the Southern United States. Written in a straightforward and practical style, the book includes recipes for a wide variety of dishes using local ingredients, reflecting the region's rich culinary tradition. The inclusion of detailed instructions and helpful tips makes it suitable for both experienced cooks and novices. In addition to recipes, Randolph provides advice on household management, etiquette, and remedies for common ailments, making it a valuable resource for 19th-century homemakers. Randolph's work is a significant contribution to American culinary literature, showcasing the diversity and innovation of Southern cuisine during this period. The Virginia Housewife remains a timeless classic that continues to inspire and educate readers interested in historical cooking and Southern culture.


Good Press




ca. 147





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