To Have and to Hold

Mary Johnston

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Beschreibung zu „To Have and to Hold“

Mary Johnston's novel 'To Have and to Hold' is a captivating portrayal of early colonial Virginia, filled with themes of power, love, and intrigue. Written in a style reminiscent of historical fiction, the book provides a vivid glimpse into the struggles and triumphs of the English settlers in the New World. Johnston's meticulous attention to detail and rich character development immerse readers in the harsh realities of the 17th century, making it a valuable addition to the literary canon of American historical fiction. The novel's exploration of societal norms and class distinctions further enhances its cultural significance. Mary Johnston's eloquent prose and vivid descriptions transport readers to a bygone era, engaging them in a compelling narrative that resonates with themes of love, loyalty, and resilience. 'To Have and to Hold' is a timeless classic that offers both entertainment and insight into the complexities of early American history. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in exploring the intricacies of colonial society and the human experience.


Good Press




ca. 339





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