A Touch of Sun, and Other Stories

Mary Hallock Foote

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Beschreibung zu „A Touch of Sun, and Other Stories“

Mary Hallock Foote's A Touch of Sun, and Other Stories is a collection of short stories that beautifully captures the essence of everyday life in the American West during the late 19th century. Foote's literary style is characterized by rich descriptions, vivid imagery, and complex characterizations, making her stories a perfect blend of realism and romanticism. Set against the backdrop of the Western landscape, the stories explore themes of love, loss, and the struggles of ordinary people trying to make a living in a harsh environment. Foote's keen eye for detail and her ability to evoke powerful emotions make this collection a must-read for anyone interested in American literature of the late 1800s. Mary Hallock Foote, known for her contributions to Western literature, draws from her own experiences as a Western settler to create authentic and compelling stories that resonate with readers. Her unique perspective and deep understanding of the human condition shine through in each carefully crafted tale. A Touch of Sun, and Other Stories is highly recommended for those who appreciate finely crafted prose, nuanced characters, and evocative depictions of the American West.


Good Press




ca. 156





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