Jane Field

A Novel

Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman

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Beschreibung zu „Jane Field“

Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman's novel 'Jane Field' is a captivating work that delves into the complexities of small-town life in New England during the late 19th century. The book portrays the struggles and triumphs of its titular character, Jane Field, as she navigates societal expectations and personal challenges. Freeman's literary style is characterized by its detailed descriptions and insightful character development, making 'Jane Field' a compelling read for those interested in regional literature of the time. The novel is also praised for its exploration of class dynamics and gender roles, providing readers with a window into the social norms of the era. Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman, a prominent American author known for her nuanced portrayals of New England life, drew inspiration from her own experiences and observations to craft 'Jane Field.' Freeman's keen eye for detail and empathy for her characters shine through in this novel, making it a standout work in her impressive literary career. I highly recommend 'Jane Field' to readers who appreciate historical fiction and nuanced character studies. Freeman's poignant narrative and astute observations make this novel a valuable addition to the canon of American literature.


Good Press




ca. 144





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