My Cave Life in Vicksburg

Civil War Memories Series

Mary Ann Loughborough

Biographien & Memoiren

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Beschreibung zu „My Cave Life in Vicksburg“

Madison & Adams Press presents the Civil War Memories Series. This meticulous selection of the firsthand accounts, memoirs and diaries is specially comprised for Civil War enthusiasts and all people curious about the personal accounts and true life stories of the unknown soldiers, the well known commanders, politicians, nurses and civilians amidst the war.
"My Cave Life in Vicksburg" is a first-hand account of the deprivations suffered by the civilian population during the Union army siege of the city of Vicksburg. The book is based on the diary author kept during the siege. Loughborough's books is one of the best sources of information about the everyday life of the civilians in occupied areas during the civil War


Madison & Adams Press




ca. 101





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